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Certified to BS EN 131 Professional
Units are easy to manoeuvre on the 2 x 150mm nylon wheels - simply use the handles to lift the front and wheel into postion
Resilient anti-slip treads
Tread size: 500W x 150Dmm
Platform size: 500W x 300Dmm
600mm high rear handrail
Strong but lightweight aluminium & steel construction
Permanently fixed bracing for improved strength & durability
Handrails on both sides for stability whilst climbing
Deep 80mm serrated non-slip treads with ridge reinforcement & double riveting at each corner for maximum durability
Large ribbed channel section stiles, box section back legs & reinforced bottom tread for improved resistance to heavy usage
Hard wearing, non-slip feet for maximum grip on all floor surfaces
Wheels at the back of the unit make this range of steps easy to manoeuvre
Certified to BS EN 131 Professional
Units are easy to manoeuvre on the 2 x 150mm nylon wheels - simply use the handles to lift the front and wheel into postion
Resilient anti-slip treads
Tread size: 500W x 150Dmm
Platform size: 500W x 300Dmm
600mm high rear handrail
Certified to BS EN 131 Professional
Tread Size: 500W x 150D mm
Platform Size: 500W x 300D mm
2 x 150mm Nylon wheels
600mm high rear handrail
Manufactured from grade 304 tubular stainless steel with non-slip tread plate
Units are easy to manoeuvre on the 2 wheels
Platform Size: 550W x 380Dmm
Tread Depth: 145mm
Made mobile with the use of the unique grip lift mechanism facilitating movement on the retractable castors
Mobile on 2 x 160mm rubber wheels & 2 x 100mm swivel nylon castors
Expanded steel tread
Certified to EN 131 Professional
Platform size: 500W x 400D mm
Tread size: 500W x 145D mm
2-6 Tread Units: Mobile on 2 rear wheels 150mm dia and 2 front spring loaded castors to achieve weight reactive function. Units move freely when pushed (unmounted) & stand firmly on ground once they are mounted in use
7-10 Tread Units: Made mobile on 150mm wheels & the use of a unique grip lift mechanism facilitating movement on 75mm retractable castors Available with Expanded Steel, Phenolic or Aluminium Treads
Certified to BS EN 14183
Fitted with lift handles which incorporate knuckle guard hand grips & 2 x 150mm rubber tyred wheels which make these units extremely manoeuvrable
Phenolic treads also available
Open rear allows step through access to a loading bay or lorry etc
Tread depth: 145mm
Platform size: 400W x 300D mm
Certified to BS EN 14183
Fitted with lift handles which incorporate knuckle guard hand grips & 2 x 150mm rubber tyred wheels which make these units extremely manoeuvrable
Expanded steel mesh treads also available
Open rear allows step through access to a loading bay or lorry etc
Tread depth: 145mm
Platform size: 400W x 300D mm
All weather non-slip injected moulded treads
Tread Size: 400 x 200 mm
These steps glide easily across floors, but once body weight is applied they stay firmly in position
The strong steel dome feet enclose the spring loaded castor & are fitted with a solid moulded protection ring that grips firmly to the floor when in use.
Platform Size: 400W x 300D mm
Tread Size: 400W x 150D mm
Mobile on 4 x 75mm sprung castors
Certified to BS EN 131 Professional
Non-slip, expanded steel mesh treads
Tread size 400 x 200mm
Platform size 400 x 300mm (GSE515M is 450 x 300mm)
Certified to BS EN 131 Professional
All weather, non-slip, injected moulded treads
Tread size 400 x 200mm
Platform size 400 x 300mm
Unique Six Wheel Design enables the step to virtually turn within its own length
Handle mechanism fitted to the right hand side as standard
Fitted with lever operated retractable castors and a safety bar which deters access to the steps when in the mobile position
Units have expanded steel mesh treads and platform
Platform size: 540W x 460D mm
Tread Size: 490W x 180D mm
Platform Handrail Height: 1000mm
6 step units and above are sent folded for delivery - easy to erect
These Easy Slope 54° angle steps are for use in areas where there is limited space available